As Commercial photographers we are privileged to be invited to work in many areas and with a diverse range of industries.
We frequently work with creatives, more often than not they are graphic designers, marketing companies, advertising agencies and other related businesses that are helping another business raise their profile or launch a product or service.
This commission was a little different.
One off Interiors are a fantastic, creative and resourceful company. Quite often working with tight budgets and squeezing every last drop out of a project. It is great that Rosalie from One off Interiors commissioned us.
Sometimes when people want to show the difference that they can make with their work, they will visit where they are working and take shots to show what things were like before, then revisit and take shots again post refurb.
These shots more often than not are taken on a mobile phone ( well, we all do don’t we ?)
You will get to see the change but it isn’t always quite the nice shiny polished results that really have been acheived.
Luckily for us, Rosalie, does appreciate the difference and is prepared to make the investment to give her work a good showcase.
Above is a montage of some of the images showing how things were before any works were commissioned. Everything was clean and tidy but in need of a makeover.
We were asked to show not only the great improvement the upgrade had achieved but also highlight some of the materials and fabrics that had been used.
We set about picking on areas and bringing some interesting lighting to help show how things had been brought to life.
We love projects like this, for many reasons, we get to see someone else’s skills and it inspires us to add a little more pzazz to what we are working on.
Rosalie was delighted with the results as shown on her website.
We get some fab shots to put in our portfolio and on various social media platforms.
dpix specialise in commercial photography, product photography and food photography, on location or at their fully-equipped studio.
dpix’s skilful creative photographers Darren Shipman & Julie King are qualified members of the British Institute of Professional Photography.
We are happy to quote if you require our services if you would like to discuss a project, either click here or call dpix 01527 874819 – 07973 401819 for a no obligation chat.